« At the beginning of the millemium, Claude Gilli de- cided to come back to his work of predilection, cut wood, to have the pleasure of coloring his feelings and his memories. It’s during that time that he made a series of pieces that are a tribute to love, to life, to the pleasure of surprising us… »
Michel Roudillon, Press release of the exhibition POP LOVE les feux de l’amour, Loft Gallery, feb 2018.
Universal symbol of life and the feeling of love in popular culture, the heart possesses a unique visual and emotional strength. In the series Feux de l’amour (Fires of Love), Claude Gili uses its design and shape to create compositions with perspective, that are shiny and smooth, and with vivid colors. Playing on words, playing with light, playing with materials. Alive and vibrant his cut-out hearts induce a notion of depth in the pictural space, that is reinforced by the light of the flames that come to caress them. In Amour fou, (Crazy love) the hearts multiply and ignite, proving once more, that even if he faced difficulties his whole life, Gilli never stoped creating with a lot of magic in an imperishable quest of an ideal of happiness.
Edition “ART FOR ALL” by Loft Gallery,
2010 – Ed. 2020
Painted cast metal,
H.16,8 x W.11 x P.4 cm – 550 gr.
Signed on the front and numbered in 500 ex.
Dimension of box : H. 22,5 x L. 16,5 x W. 5 cm

Additional information
Weight | 550 g |
Dimensions | 16,8 × 11 × 4 cm |
Year | 2010 |
Material | Cast iron |
Tirages | Edition of 500 |
Signature | Signed in the mold |
Conditionnement | H. 22,5 x L. 16,5 x P. 5 cm |