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Galerie LOFT honors two artists who have profoundly upset the codes of sculpture by revolutionizing the practice of metal sculpture and are today among the greatest figures of contemporary sculpture in France.

They have each with their own singularity  (the playful movement and eroticism for Hiquily and the architectural construction for Marino di Teana) tamed the raw metal (often recycling) which they knew how to tame with their extraordinary technical qualities. They are part of this first generation of artists whose work on iron, brass or steel (hammered, forged, welded, polished or patinated, etc.), enabled metal sculpture to obtain its true letters of recognition. nobility and to pave the way for new generations of sculptors such as Bernard Venet or Richard Serra.

Opening Thursday, April 6, 2023
From 18h
Exhibition from April 6 to May 27, 2023
Loft Gallery, 3 bis & 4 rue des beaux-arts, 75006 Paris

More information, click here!


The artist offers you

Born in Montmartre in 1925, Philippe Hiquily is a very singular artist, sculptor, but also creator of furniture, jewellery, etchings and experimental kinetic and electronic works. The main axis of his work is to play with shapes and balance but also the “coupling” of sculptures and objects. May they be in iron, brass or steel there are always principles behind his sculptures, art must be funny, playful and esthetical. Movements, curves and materials are as many ways to give life to metal that is metamorphosed in an erotic object. From New York to Paris, museums of tribal art to the salon of French aristocracy, this lover of women, protégé of Germaine Richier, friend of Arman, César, Jodorowsky or Alain Jouffroy, this very convivial and great cigar lover, Officer of the National Order of Arts and Letters, has always known, throughout his life, how to completely overwhelm our view of sculpture.