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A mother's tenderness for her child begins the moment the child is born. But as the child grows, the mother attaches herself to him by all the ties which can unite one soul to another. She loves him for the graces he really has, and for those she imagines him to have; she loves him for the happiness he gives her, and for the care and the sentences he has cost her; she sometimes loves him for his defects, or for his sufferings...

The work "L'enfant abrité" in the hand of the artist

Parvine Curie’s work, L’enfant abrité (The Sheltered Child), carries with it all this devotion and reciprocal love. The figures of parents and child, barely sketched but so evident, are intrinsically linked to each other to create a space of refuge, protection and eternal love. This unshakeable bond that is maternal love linking the sculptor to her son the poet, David Marti, is the basis of many of her works. In this iconic piece, it reveals once again in her triple identity as woman, artist and mother. Strong and fragile, creator as much as progenitor, she offers us here a nameless treasure, the pledge of the purest and most sincere love that takes shape before our eyes.


The artist offers you

Parvine Curie was born in Nancy in 1936, of French-Iranian origin. After her studies she left to visit Europe and decided to settle in Barcelona in 1957, discovering Catalan art. She practiced sculpture as an autodidact, following the advice of sculptor Marcel Marti with whom she had a son, David in 1959. In 1970, she moved to Paris and presented at the young sculpture salon, the work Première Mère, which marked the sculptor François Stahly. He invites her to come and work alongside him at the collective workshop in Crestet (Vaucluse). Parvine learns the basics of the trade, sculpts wood and stone. She married Stahly in 1975 and subsequently carried out numerous public commissions. Her work, which was initially more hieratic, then evolved into a more dynamic style. Her sculptures, between figures and architecture, and strongly inspired by the places she visited, are marked by pure lines and materials and testify to her constant desire to question space and light.