In the video below, Philippe Huart presents his ongoing work, unveiling his new artistic project, “Behind the Things.” He explains his passion for drawing and his unique creative process for each piece.
Video – Work in Progress – Series “Behind the Things”
“I’m going to spend at least a month working on it [the drawing] every day. I know it will take me quite a lot of time, but I absolutely don’t mind. I know I can’t approach it any other way; if I were to treat it as a painting, I wouldn’t achieve the same result I’m looking for. With painting, it’s not the same process for me—I would feel like I’m stuck in a routine. Whereas with drawing, I practically change my method with every drawing: the pencils aren’t the same, the way I proceed with the tools isn’t the same either, like using a magnifying lamp to help me. Each drawing is unique in that sense, both in terms of the subject and the tools I use.”
— Philippe Huart