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Galerie Loft invites you to dive into the captivating world of science fiction through the unique creatures of Quentin Garel. All his “Monozygotes” will take over the space at 4 rue des beaux-arts! On this occasion, come and discover the new work “Monozygotic” from the collection Art For All by Galerie Loft.

When he shapes his works, Quentin Garel works with the material with an obvious love for organic forms. Exploring their materiality while deliberately playing with our perceptions, its changes of scale, sometimes excessive or hybridized, disturb our representation of what exists. For Christine Argot and Luc Vivès, in his Osthéomorphoses “he combines the Beautiful and the False, which nevertheless seems true – a distorted, falsely specular reflection of reality! He is a naturalist artist, collector of extraordinary skulls gleaned from his mind.” In his work on the Monozygote, a phantasmagorical bird skull in a tripod, he thus crystallizes in the same work his concern, but also a certain derision, for the destiny of animals, as much as humans, in the heart of a world in full swing. mutation.

Exhibition “Monozygotes” by Quentin Garel until January 12, 2024.


The artist takes us behind the scenes of his creation and the story of Monozygote.


The artist offers you

Quentin Garel was born in Paris in 1975. Son of the sculptor Philippe Garel, he graduated from the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris in 1998. He was a resident at the Casa de Velázquez (Madrid, Spain) from 1998 to 2000. His sculptural work is characterized by the creation of a bestiary, sometimes very realistic, centered on the animal figure and its skeletons. His work explores, based on the themes of animal trophies and paleontological remains, the complex relationships that man maintains with animals in their representation. An excellent draftsman, Garel works the subjects of his sculptures in advance on paper before shaping wood, bronze, or iron with great delicacy in the textures and a play on the excess of his works presented during exhibitions of scales such as “Le Magicien d’Os” (Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris – 2016; Venice – 2017), or his retrospectives at the Center d’Art Contemporain de la Matmut in Rouen (2019) and at the Domaine de Chamarande ( 2020).