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Le Minotaure, Philippe Huart, Exposition Barbizon

“En Minotaure”, a masked portrait of a deity laid bare. – Philippe Huart

For this exhibition, objective reality artist Philippe Huart has created a work that offers a new interpretation of Pablo Picasso, using the Freudian concept of the uncanny. This notion describes a state where something is both familiar and disturbing. Huart’s work, entitled En Minotaure, depicts this mythological figure that Picasso had often used to represent “his own sexual ardor” and “his instinctive creative impulses.” This hybrid creature is drawn with a black plastic bag over its head, with the handle of the plastic bag, an unusual detail in Huart’s paintings emphasizing the ephemerality of its presence. The Minotaur’s left hand carries a wedding ring, symbolizing the “love” Picasso had for the women in his life. This work establishes a link between the universes of Picasso and Huart and a support for introspection in the face of the mazes of the human mind and soul.

“Picasso 50 years already”, From April 8 to June 10, 2023

Philippe Huart is exhibiting in Barbizon for “Picasso 50 years already”, which pays tribute to the artist Pablo Picasso on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of his death. The curators of the exhibition, Jean-Michel Gout-Werner and Jacques Simonin, have selected fifty artists to represent the artistic revival since the 1970s, ranging from Street Art to conceptual art. The interpretations show the diversity of approaches and renew the vision of Picasso’s works.

The exhibition is designed to reflect the contemporary, presenting works, regardless of their disciplines of choice, selected or specially made for the occasion. In short, the exhibition offers an innovative perspective on Picasso’s work and presents a reflection on contemporary artistic approaches.

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